Click [Order processing] - [Print options for ticket].
Define the font settings for the ticket. You can use different font types, font sizes, etc for each group of items.
[Ticket title settings]
Define how the title of the job ticket must be printed.
[Group item settings]
Define how the group items of the job ticket must be printed.
[Item settings]
Define how the job ticket items must be printed.
Select on which media the ticket must be printed.
Media: select the type of media to print the ticket on.
Media size: select the size of the ticket.
Enable option [Print logo in ticket] to print the logo in the job ticket.
Click button [Browse] to select an image.
The allowed image file types are: .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png.
Click [Clear] to remove a selected image.
Select the position for the logo from the drop-down list.
[Scale logo to page size]
You can scale the logo to the page size. Enable option [Keep ratio] to use the same relation between width and height for the logo as for the page size. You have to define the width [%] for the image.
Click [Save].