
Variable data printing


Printing variable data (VDP or variable document printing) is a print method that uses variable text and graphics, for example names and addresses. A VDP job has records to distinguish the different sets. VDP is used for direct marketing, advertising and personalised letters.

PRISMAsync supports several PPML formats and the PDF/VT format for variable data printing. PDF/VT enables variable document printing with the use of the latest PDF standards. Also manually created VDP jobs are supported.

Submit variable data jobs to PRISMAsync with an automated workflow, a hotfolder or PRISMAprepare. When PRISMAsync receives a variable data print job, it distinguishes the record structure. Records are treated as print sets with fixed content.

VDP job

The icon indicates a VDP job.

When the VDP job arrives in the print queue, you can use the following functions:

  • Print a proof of the first record.

  • Interrupt the print process after a certain record, and resume the print process of the job later.

  • Print a range of records.

  • Change the settings of the job. Be aware that when you change settings of a PDF/VT job, these settings are applicable to all records of the job.


Page programming is not available for VDP jobs.