
About this guide

This guide is written for worldwide markets. It may contain information related to accessories or licensed functionalities not supported by your local Canon organization or dealer.


Original instructions are in English.

For whom is this TRM intended?

The target group for the TRM are the customers and consultants that want to use the interfaces and protocols of the PRISMAsync Print Server.

The Technical Reference Manual describes the interfaces and behaviour of the PRISMAsync Print Server used by the varioPRINT 6000 series. The TRM is not the user manual or the administration manual of the varioPRINT 6000 series.

Printable version

You can open a printable version of this TRM.

  1. Go to http://downloads.cpp.canon/

  2. Type "varioprint 6" in section "Type the product name" and select your printer model.

  3. In tab "Manuals", select a language from the dropdown list and click "TRM varioPRINT 6000 series" to download the PDF version of this TRM.


    The TRM is written in English. It is not translated. You can always find the TRM when you select language "English".