
Manage the general settings for the JDF service

The Job Definition Format (JDF) is a technical standard being developed by the CIP4 organization. The purpose of the standard is to facilitate interaction between different systems in a printing or print-related workflow. PRISMAdirect offers an interface based on the JDF standard which allows communication with external JDF-enabled software components.

The CIP4 JDF specification is a very extensive standard covering all areas in the life cycle of a print job, from preflight to image rendering to finishing and packaging. Océ has developed a proprietary standard for the JDF ticket which is a subset of the CIP4 description.

PRISMAdirect defines a proprietary job ticket with a set of ticket settings that can be configured and extended by the user. The user must be able to submit a job to PRISMAdirect via JMF messages by providing a JDF ticket and the required data files. A mapping file is used to construct a valid PRISMAdirect ticket with the values taken from the JDF ticket.

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [JDF service] - [General settings].

  2. [Use secure connections (HTTPS)]

    Enable this option when you want to use only a secure HTTPS connection to submit orders via JDF.

  3. Use the check box of [Pause JDF service] to pause or restart the JDF service.

    You receive a notification when the JDF service is restarted.

  4. Click [Save].

Trace level

Set the trace level for the JDF service:

  • [Debug]

    The [Debug] trace level provides the most detailed log information. The [Debug] trace level can impact the performance of the application.

  • [Error]

    The errors are logged.

  • [Info]

    The errors and information messages are logged